les, [ $this, 'update_hierarchy_and_permalink' ] ); if ( $indexable->object_type === 'term' ) { $child_indexables_for_term = $this->get_children_for_term( $indexable->object_id, $child_indexables ); \array_walk( $child_indexables_for_term, [ $this, 'update_hierarchy_and_permalink' ] ); } return true; } /** * Finds all child indexables for the given term. * * @param int $term_id Term to fetch the indexable for. * @param array $child_indexables The already known child indexables. * * @return array The list of additional child indexables for a given term. */ public function get_children_for_term( $term_id, array $child_indexables ) { // Finds object_ids (posts) for the term. $post_object_ids = $this->get_object_ids_for_term( $term_id, $child_indexables ); // Removes the objects that are already present in the children. $existing_post_indexables = \array_filter( $child_indexables, static function ( $indexable ) { return $indexable->object_type === 'post'; } ); $existing_post_object_ids = \wp_list_pluck( $existing_post_indexables, 'object_id' ); $post_object_ids = \array_diff( $post_object_ids, $existing_post_object_ids ); // Finds the indexables for the fetched post_object_ids. $post_indexables = $this->indexable_repository->find_by_multiple_ids_and_type( $post_object_ids, 'post', false ); // Finds the indexables for the posts that are attached to the term. $post_indexable_ids = \wp_list_pluck( $post_indexables, 'id' ); $additional_indexable_ids = $this->indexable_hierarchy_repository->find_children_by_ancestor_ids( $post_indexable_ids ); // Makes sure we only have indexable id's that we haven't fetched before. $additional_indexable_ids = \array_diff( $additional_indexable_ids, $post_indexable_ids ); // Finds the additional indexables. $additional_indexables = $this->indexable_repository->find_by_ids( $additional_indexable_ids ); // Merges all fetched indexables. return \array_merge( $post_indexables, $additional_indexables ); } /** * Updates the indexable hierarchy and indexable permalink. * * @param Indexable $indexable The indexable to update the hierarchy and permalink for. * * @return void */ protected function update_hierarchy_and_permalink( $indexable ) { if ( \is_a( $indexable, Indexable::class ) ) { $this->indexable_hierarchy_builder->build( $indexable ); $indexable->permalink = $this->permalink_helper->get_permalink_for_indexable( $indexable ); $this->indexable_helper->save_indexable( $indexable ); } } /** * Retrieves the object id's for a term based on the term-post relationship. * * @param int $term_id The term to get the object id's for. * @param array $child_indexables The child indexables. * * @return array List with object ids for the term. */ protected function get_object_ids_for_term( $term_id, $child_indexables ) { global $wpdb; $filter_terms = static function ( $child ) { return $child->object_type === 'term'; }; $child_terms = \array_filter( $child_indexables, $filter_terms ); $child_object_ids = \array_merge( [ $term_id ], \wp_list_pluck( $child_terms, 'object_id' ) ); // Get the term-taxonomy id's for the term and its children. // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery,WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.NoCaching $term_taxonomy_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM %i WHERE term_id IN( ' . \implode( ', ', \array_fill( 0, ( \count( $child_object_ids ) ), '%s' ) ) . ' )', $wpdb->term_taxonomy, ...$child_object_ids ) ); // In the case of faulty data having been saved the above query can return 0 results. if ( empty( $term_taxonomy_ids ) ) { return []; } // Get the (post) object id's that are attached to the term. // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery,WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.NoCaching return $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT DISTINCT object_id FROM %i WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN( ' . \implode( ', ', \array_fill( 0, \count( $term_taxonomy_ids ), '%s' ) ) . ' )', $wpdb->term_relationships, ...$term_taxonomy_ids ) ); } } Le taux de référence calculé par la Banque de la République d’Haïti (BRH) pour ce Jeudi 24 Août 2023 — Mag.2 News

Le taux de référence calculé par la Banque de la République d’Haïti (BRH) pour ce Jeudi 24 Août 2023

Le taux du jour sur le marché bancaire, 1$ est équivaut à 135,82 gourdes.

Le taux de référence sur le marché informel, 1$ est équivaut à 140 gourdes.

D’après la Banque de la République d’Haïti ce taux de référence est calculé en fonction des transactions et opérations d’achat de dollars à la veille.

Ce taux de référence est toujours disponible sur le compte Twitter de la BRH ainsi que son site officiel brh.ht

Mag.2 News

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